Player Information

Player Information

Match-Day Procedure

Players are to report to their grounds one hour before the scheduled start of play or as directed by their captain. If, for any reason, you will be late you must inform your captain as soon as possible. Players are advised to bring their own food and plenty to drink.

Wet Weather Procedures

Please see below for information on the phone number/s to call in the event of wet weather leading into a match.

Playing & Training Uniforms

Match day playing uniforms consist of white/cream pants, a white/cream club playing shirt and either a Maccabi AJAX baggy blue club cap, blue baseball cap or floppy hat. Cricket spikes are strongly recommended for playing on turf.

Training attire consists of the club training top as well as club shorts or tracksuit pants (navy blue) and runners. (Note: Rubber spikes may be worn in the nets during training, but please do NOT wear metal spikes)

Please contact the club if you need to obtain any piece of club clothing.

Clubrooms & Equipment

Players should be respectful of ovals, clubrooms, training nets and club equipment at all times, and please:

  • Clean up after yourself in the clubrooms.
  • Put all equipment back in its proper place after use.
  • Do not wear spikes in the nets or upstairs in the David Mandie Pavilion.
  • Secure your valuables.

More Information